■ビールキット(材料セット) Beer Kits(Ingredient Set)

Wyeastインフォメーション |
製造日から1ヶ月以内: 6時間〜24時間
製造日から2ヶ月以内: 12時間〜36時間
仕込量 |
ビールの種類 |
Wyeastのパッケージサイズ |
50mlサイズ |
XL(125ml)サイズ |
5リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
不要 |
不要 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
不要 |
不要 |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
不要 |
不要 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
不要(推奨500ml) |
不要 |
10リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
不要(推奨250ml) |
不要 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
500ml以上 |
不要(推奨500ml) |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
500ml以上 |
500ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
1000ml以上 |
1000ml以上 |
19リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
500ml |
不要 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
1000ml以上 |
1000ml以上 |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
1000ml以上 |
不要(推奨1000ml) |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
2000ml以上 |
2000ml以上 |
スタータの量 |
モルトエキス使用時 |
ドライモルト使用時 |
100ml |
10.3g |
8.0g |
200ml |
20.6g |
16.0g |
300ml |
30.9g |
24.0g |
400ml |
41.2g |
32.0g |
500ml |
51.5g |
40.0g |
1000ml |
103g |
80.0g |
1500ml |
155g |
120g |
2000ml |
206g |
160g |
仕込量 |
ビールの種類 |
必要な澱の量 |
5リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
25ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
50ml以上 |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
50ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
100ml以上 |
10リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
50ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
100ml以上 |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
100ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
200ml以上 |
19リットル |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なエール |
100ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数エール |
200ml以上 |
初期比重1.056までの標準的なラガー |
200ml以上 |
初期比重1.064までの高度数ラガー |
400ml以上 |
推奨する発酵温度が記載されています。ただし゜F(Fahrenheit)表記のため、次式による℃(Centigrade)への換算が必要です。 ℃=(゜F−32)/1.8
例: 55゜F−> (55−32)/1.8=12.8℃
4.希薄化レベル apparent attenuation:
5.沈殿凝集性 Flocculation:
Wyeastの種類 (Wyeast社のホームページより転載)
1007 German Ale yeast
Ferments dry and crisp, leaving a complex but mild flavor. Produces an
extremely rocky head and ferments well down to 55o F. Flocculation low;
apparent attenuation 73-77%. (55-66o F)
1010 American Wheat yeast
A dry fermenting, true top cropping yeast which produces a dry, slightly
tart, crisp beer, in American hefeweisen style. Flocculation low, apparent
attenuation 74-78%. (58-74o F)
1028 London Ale yeast
Rich with a dry finish, minerally profile, bold and crisp, with some fruitiness.
Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (60-72o F)
1056 American Ale yeast
Used commercially for several classic American ales. This strain ferments
dry, finishes soft, smooth and dean, and is very well balanced. Flocculation
low to medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (60-72o F)
1084 Irish Ale yeast
Slight residual diacetyl and fruitiness; great for stouts. Clean, smooth,
soft and full-bodied. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 71-75%.
(62-72o F)
1098 British Ale yeast
From Whitbread. Ferments dry and crisp, slightly tart, fruity and well-balanced.
Ferments well down to 65oF. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 73-75%.
(64-72o F)
1099 Whitbread Ale yeast
A mildly malty and slightly fruity fermentation profile; not as tart and
dry as 1098 and much more flocculant. Clears well without filtration. Flocculation
high; apparent attenuation 68-72%. (64-75o F)
1187 Ringwood Ale yeast
Notorious Yeast of European origin with unique fermentation and flavor
charateristics. Distinct fruit ester and high flocculation provide a malty
complex profile, which clears well. Thorough diacetyl rest is recommended
after fermentation is complete. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation
68-72%. (64-74o F)
1214 Belgian Ale yeast
Abbey-style top-fermenting yeast, suitable for high-gravity beers. Estery.
Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 72-76%. (58-68o F)
1272 American Ale yeast ll
Fruitier and more flocculant than 1056, slightly nutty, soft, clean, slightly
tart finish. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 72-76%. (60-72o F)
1275 Thames Valley Ale yeast
Produces classic British bitters, rich complex flavor profile, clean, light
malt character, low fruitiness, low esters, well-balanced. Flocculation
medium; apparent attenuation 72 76%. (62-72o F)
1318 London Ale yeast lll
From traditional London brewery with great malt and hop profile. True top
cropping strain, fruity, very light, soft balanced palate, finishes slightly
sweet. Flocculation - high; apparent attenuation 71-75%. (64-74o F)
1332 Northwest Ale yeast
One of the classic ale strains from the Northwest U.S. Breweries. Produces
a malty and mildly fruity ale with good depth and complexity. Flocculation
- high; apparent attenuation 67-71%. (65-75o F)
1335 British Ale yeast ll
Typical of British and Canadian ale fermentation profile with good flocculating
and malty flavor characteristics, crisp finish, clean, fairly dry. Flocculation
high; apparent attenuation 73-76%. (63-75o F)
1338 European Ale yeast
From Wissenschaftliche in Munich. Full-bodied complex strain finishing
very malty. Produces a dense, rocky head during fermentation. Flocculation
high; apparent attenuation 67-71 %. (62-72o F)
1388 Belgian Strong Ale yeast
Robust flavor yeast with moderate to high alcohol tolerance. Fruity nose
and palate, dry, tart finish. Flocculation low; apparent attenuation 73-77%.
(65-75o F)
1728 Scottish Ale yeast
Ideally suited for Scottish-style ales, and high gravity ales of all types.
Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 69-73%. (55-70o F)
1762 Belgian Abbey Yeast II
High gravity yeast with distinct warming character from ethanol production.
Slightly fruity with dry finish. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation
73-77%. (65-75o F)
1968 London ESB Ale yeast
Highly flocculant top-fermenting strain with rich, malty character and
balanced fruitiness. This strain is so flocculant that additional aeration
and agitation is needed. An excellent strain for cask-conditioned ales.
Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 67-71%. (64-72o F)
2565 Kolsch yeast
A hybrid of ale and lager characteristics. This strain develops excellent
maltiness with subdued fruitiness, and a crisp finish. Ferments well at
moderate temperatures. Flocculation low; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (56-64o
2007 Pilsen Lager yeast
A classic American pilsner strain, smooth, malty palate. Ferments dry and
crisp. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 71-75%. (48-56o F)
2035 American Lager yeast
Bold, complex and aromatic, good depth of flavor characteristics for a
variety of lager beers. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%.
(48-58o F)
2042 Danish Lager yeast
Rich, dortmund-style, crisp, dry finish. Soft profile accentuates hop characteristics.
Flocculation low; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (46-56o F)
2112 California Lager yeast
Particularly suited for producing 19th century-style West Coast beers.
Retains lager characteristics at temperatures up to 65o F, and produces
malty, brilliantly-clear beers. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation
67-71 %. (58-68o F)
2124 Bohemian Lager yeast
A pilsner yeast from the Weihenstephen. Ferments clean and malty, with
rich residual maltiness in full gravity pilsners. Flocculation medium;
apparent attenuation 69-73%. (48-58o F)
2206 Bavarian Lager yeast
Used by many German breweries to produce rich, full-bodied, malty beers.
Good choice for Bocks and Dopplebocks. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation
73-77%. (46-58o F)
2247 European Lager yeast ll
Clean dry flavor profile often used in aggressively hopped pilsner. Mild
aromatics, slight sulpher production, dry finish. Flocculation low; apparent
attenuation 73-77%. (46-56o F)
2272 North American Lager yeast
Traditional culture of North American and Canadian lager and light pilsners.
Malty finish. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 70-76%. (48-56o F)
2278 Czech Pils yeast
Classic pilsner strain from the home of pilsners for a dry, but malty finish.
The perfect choice for pilsners and bock beers. Sulfur produced during
fermentation dissipates with conditioning. Flocculation medium to high;
apparent attenuation 70-74%. (48-58o F)
2308 Munich Lager yeast
A unique strain, capable of producing fine lagers. Very smooth, well-rounded
and full-bodied. Benefits from temperature rise for diacetyl rest. Flocculation
medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (48-56o F)
3068 Weihenstephan Weizen yeast
Unique top-fermenting yeast which produces the unique and spicy weizen
character, rich with clove, vanilla and banana. Best results are achieved
when fermentations are held around 68o F. Flocculation low; apparent attenuation
73-77%. (64-75o F)
3333 German Wheat yeast
Subtle flavor profile for wheat yeast with sharp tart crispness, fruity,
sherry-like palate. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 70-76%. (63-75o
3463 Forbidden Fruit yeast
From classic Belgian brewery for production of wits to classic grand cru.
Phenolic profile with subdued fruitiness. Seasonal availability. Flocculation
low; apparent attenuation 73-77%. (63-76o F)
3522 Belgian Ardennes yeast
One of many great beer yeasts to produce classic Belgian ales. Phenolics
develop with increased fermentation temperatures, mild fuitiness and complex
spicy character. Flocculation high; apparent attenuation 72-76%. (65-85o
3638 Bavarian Wheat yeast
Top cropping hefeweisen yeast with complex flavor and aroma. Balance of
banana and bubble gum esters with lichi and apple/plum esters and cloveness.
Flocculation low; apparent attenuation 70-76%. (64-75o F)
3787 Trappist High Gravity
Robust top cropping yeast with phenolic character. Alcohol tolerance to
12%. Ideal for Biere de Garde. Ferments dry with rich ester profile and
malty palate. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 75-80%. (64-78o
3942 Belgian Wheat yeast
Estery low phenol producing yeast from small Belgian brewery. Apple and
plum like nose with dry finish. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation
72-76%. (64-74o F)
3944 Belgian Witbier yeast
A tart, slightly phenolic character capable of producing distinctive witbiers
and grand cru-style ales alike. Alcohol tolerant. Flocculation medium;
apparent attenuation 72-76%. (62-75o F)
3278 Belgian Lambic blend
Contains a selection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which include Blegian
style wheat beer yeast, sherry yeast, two Brettanomyces strains and Lactic
Acid Bacteria. While this mixture does not include all possible cultures
found in Belgian Lambics, it is representative of the organisms which are
most important for the desirable flavor components of these beer styles.
Individual components available from this blend are numbered below. Flocculation
low to medium; apparent attenuation 65-75%. (63-75o F)
3112 Brettanomyces bruxellensis
Wild yeast isolated from brewery cultures in the Brussels region of Belgium.
Produces the classic sweaty horse hair character indigenous to beers of
this region; gueuze, lambics, sour browns. Ferments best in worts with
lower pH after primary fermentation has begun. This strain is generally
used in conjunction with S. Cerevisiae as well as other wild yeast and
lactic bacteria. Produces some acidity and may form a pellicle in bottles
or casks. Generally requires 3-6 months aging for flavor to fully develop.
Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation low. (60-75o F)
3526 Brettanomyces lambicus
Wild yeast isolated from Belgian lambic beers. Produces a pie cherry like
flavor and sourness along with disticnt brett character. Ferments best
in worts with reduced pH after primary fermentation has begun, and may
form a pellicle in bottles or casks. Works best in conjunction with other
yeast and lactic bacteria to produce the classic Belgian character. Generally
requires 3-6 months of aging to fully develop flavor characteristics. Flocculation
medium; apparent attenuation low. (60-75o F)
4335 Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Lactic acid bacteria isolated from a Belgian Brewery. This culture produces
moderated levels of acidity and is commonly found in many types of beers
including gueuze, lambics, sour brown ales and Berliner Weisse. Always
used in conjunction with S. cerevisiae and often with various wild yeast.
(60-95o F)
4733 Pediococcus cerevisiae
Lactic acid bacteria used in the production of Belgian style beers where
additional acidity is desirable. Often found in gueuze and other Belgian
style beer. High acid producer which usually increases overall acid levels
in beer as storage time increases.
1087 Wyeast Ale blend
A blend of the best ale strains to provide quick starts, good flavor and
good flocculation. The profile of these strains provides a balanced finish
for British and American style ales. Apparent attenuation 71-75%. (64-72o
2178 Wyeast Lager blend
A blend of the Brewer's ChoiceTM lager strains for the most complex flavor
profiles. For production of classic pilsners, to full bodied "bock"
beers. Apparent attenuation 71-75%. (48-58o F)
3056 Bavarian Wheat yeast
Blend of top-fermenting ale and wheat strains producing mildly estery and
phenolic wheat beers. Flocculation medium; apparent attenuation 73-77%.
(64-74o F)
4021 Pasteur Champagne; Prise de mousse
Used in many white wine fermentation's and also some red wines. Also used
for secondary fermentation of barley wine. Ferments crisp and dry, ideal
for base wines in champagne making. Low foaming, excellent barrel fermentation,
good flocculating characteristics. Dry White Wines, Spumante, Sauvignon
Blanc, Semillon, Pinot Blanc, Gewurtztraminer.
4028 Pasteur Red
Ideal for red or white wines which mature rapidly with beauijolais type
fruitiness and for bigger reds requiring aging. Low foaming, low sulfur
production over a broad temperature range. Cabernet, Red Varietals, Gamay
Beaujolais, Zinfandel, Rhone, Burgundy, Pinot Noir.
4134 Sake; #9
Sake yeast #9 used in conjunction with Koji for making a wide variety of
Asian Jius (rice based beverages). Full bodied profile with true Sake character.
Sake; Nigori, Dai Gingo, Fruit, Plum Wine, Rice Beer.
4237 Steinberg
Classic German yeast from the Rheingau District produces full bodied wines
with great depth, dry smoky characteristics with a sharp finish, drier
than # 3783. Riesling, Sylvaner, Moselles, Liebfraumilch.
4242 Chablis
Produces extremely fruity profile, high ester formation, bready, vanilla
notes. Allows fruit character to dominate aroma and flavor profile. Finishes
slightly sweet and soft. Fruity White Wines, Chardonnay, Chablis, Ciders,
Gewurtztraminer, Chenin Blanc, Pinot Gris.
4244 Chianti
Rich, very big, bold, well rounded profile. Nice soft fruit character with
dry crisp finish. Excellent choice for most Italian Grape Varieties. Barolo,
Barbera, Barbaresco, Nebbiolo, Chianti, Valpolicella.
4267 Bordeaux
Produces distinctive intense berry graham cracker nose, jammy, rich, very
smooth complex profile, slightly vinuous. Well suited for higher sugar
content musts. French Cabernet, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Petit Syrah, Rioja,
4277 Assmannhausen
Red wine yeast from Germany with intense fruity characteristics. Ferments
slower than most red wine strains. Enhances vinifera character in French
American hybrids. Cold tolerant. Red German Wine, Riesling, Red Varletals,
Merlot, Red French American Hybrids, Beaujolais.
4347 Eau de Vie - (Water of Life)
A very good choice for alcohol tolerance and stuck fermentations. Produces
a very clean dry profile, low ester and other volatile aromatics. 21% alcohol
tolerance. Cordials, Grappa, Barley Wine, Eau de Vie, Single Malts.
4783 Rudisheimer
Produces distinct Riesling character. Rich flavor, creamy, fruity profile
with nice dry finish and a hint of Riesling sweetness in the aftertaste.
Rhine Wines, Fruity Ciders, Riesling, lce Wine.
4766 Cider
Crisp dry fermenting yeast with big, fruity finish. Creates a nice balance
for all types of apples, pears and other fruit or fermentables. Allows
fruit character to dominate the profile.
4767 Portwine
Mild toast and vanilla nose. Mild fruit profile with balanced depth and
complexity. Very dry finish. Dry Red and White wines, add brandy for classic
4632 Mead, Dry
Best choice for dry mead. Used in many award winning meads. Low foaming
with little or no sulfur production. Use additional nutrients for mead
making. Mead, Fruit Mead, Herbal Mead, Dry Ciders, Cysers.
4184 Mead, Sweet
One of two strains for sweet mead making. Leaves 2-3% residual sugar in
most mead's. Rich, fruity profile complements fruit-mead fermentation.
Use additional nutrients for mead making. Ciders, Cysers, Fruit Wines,
Ginger Ale, Cherry, Raspberry, Peach.
4007 Malo-Lactic Wine Culture (Leuconostoc Oenos)
Fresh liquid cultures of L. oenos ER1A and EY2D provide rapid and complete
malic acid to lactic acid reduction to balance and soften wines. ER1A and
EY2D perform well in conditions of low pH and cool cellaring. Typical conditions
of high wine acidity can be improved by reducing the harsh, sharp malic
acid in the wine to the softer and smoother lactic acid. Other flavor improvements
including vanilla and buttery notes can be anticipated. Natural occurring
malic acid bacteria on fruit may be of inferior quality or quantity to
complete malo-lactic fermentation. Vinter ChoiceTM malo-lactic cultures
are suitable of pH 2.9 or greater and cellar temperatures as low as 55o
・ボディ、コクが強いタイプのエール−−1338 European Ale yeast
・ドライですっきりとしたタイプのエール−−1007 German Ale yeast
・フルーティで複雑な芳香のビール−−1028 London Ale yeast、1098 British
Ale yeast
Bavarian Wheat yeast、3068 Weihenstephan Weizen yeast
California Lager yeast
Belgian Lambic blend
Wyeast選定ガイド#3 (Wyeast社のホームページから転載)
English Style Ale, Bitters:
Low to medium maltiness, high hop bitterness, low to medium diacetyl OK.Fruitiness/esters
OK (or even "highly desirable").--Wyeast 1028, 1098, 1968, 1318,
1275, 1335.
American-style Pale Ale:
Generally drier than British pale ales. High hop bitterness, high hop aroma.
Low diacetyl OK. Fruity/estery.--Wyeast 1056, 1028, 1338, 1272.
Brown Ale/Mild:
Low bitterness, sweet and malty. Low esters, low diacetyl OK. Light to
medium body.--Wyeast 1028, 1338, 1084, 1968, 1318, 1742.
Scottish Ale:
Low bitterness, medium to high maltiness. Medium body. Low diacetyl OK.--Wyeast
1728, 1056, 1084.
Scottish Strong Ale:
Medium to full body, very malty. Low bitterness. Medium to high diacetyl.
High alcohol.--Wyeast 1728, 1056, 1388.
English Strong Ale:
Medium to full body, malty. Medium to high bitterness. Fruitiness/esters
high. Low diacetyl OK. High alcohol.--Wyeast 1968, 1028,1098, 1275.
Medium to full body. Low to medium sweetness, medium to high bitterness.Fruitiness/esters
OK. Low diacetyl OK.--Wyeast 1084, 1028, 1056, 1742, 1335.
Dry Stout:
Medium to full body. Medium to high bitterness. Sweet maltiness. No hop
flavor or aroma. Diacetyl low to medium. Alcohol low to medium.--Wyeast
1084, 1007, 1028, 1275, 2565.
Sweet Stout:
Medium to full body. Low bitterness. No hop flavor or aroma. Low to medium
alcohol.Low diacetyl OK.--Wyeast 1968, 1338, 1056, 1318, 1728.
Imperial Stout:
Malty. Fruitiness/esters OK. High hop bitterness and flavor. Full body,
high alcohol.--Wyeast 1084, 1056, 1728, 1275.
Barley Wine:
Malty sweet. Fruity/estery. Medium to full body. Very high alcohol. Low
to medium diacetyl OK.
--Wyeast 1728, 1084, 1056, 1275, 1272, 3787, 3347.
Dusseidorf-style Altbier:
Light to medium body, medium to high bitterness. Low hop flavor. Low fruitiness
and esters.--Wyeast 1007, 1338, 1056, 2565.
Light to medium body, dry. Medium bitterness, low hop flavor and aroma.--Wyeast
2565, 1007, 1338.
Bohemian Pilsner:
Light to medium body. Medium to high bitterness. Low to medium hop flavor,
high hop aroma. Low to medium maltiness. Low diacetyl OK. No fruitiness/esters.--Wyeast
2124, 2007, 2278, 2247.
Cernun Pilsner:
Light to medium body. Dry, bitter. Medium to high hop flavor and aroma.
Very low diacetyl OK. No fruitiness/esters.--Wyeast 2007, 2124, 2308.
American Pilsner:
Light body. Low to medium bitterness. Low to medium hop aroma. No fruitiness/esters
or diacetyl.--Wyeast 2035, 2007, 2278, 2247, 2272.
German Light Lager (Helles):
Medium maltiness. Low bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma. Low diacetyl OK.
No fruitiness/esters.--Wyeast 2308, 2206, 2124, 2247.
Medium body. Medium maltiness. Medium bitterness. Hop flavor and aroma.
No fruitiness/esters or diacetyl.--Wyeast 2206, 2308, 2035, 2042.
Malty sweetness, medium body. Low to medium bitterness. Low hop flavor
and aroma. No fruitiness/esters or diacetyl.
--Wyeast 2206, 2278, 2308, 2272.
Bavarian Dark (Dunkel):
Medium body. Medium bitterness. Low diacetyl OK. No fruitiness/esters.--Wyeast
2206, 2308, 2247.
Full body. Malty. Low bitterness. Low diacetyl OK. No fruitiness/esters.
Medium to high alcohol.--Wyeast 2124, 2278, 2007, 2206.
California Common Beer:
Medium body. Medium to high hop bitterness and flavor. Fruitiness/esters
low.--Wyeast 2112, 2272.
Wheat Beers
American Wheat:
Light to medium body. Low to medium bitterness. Some malt and hop aroma.
Low to medium fruitiness/esters, Low diacetyl OK.--Wyeast 1007, 1056.
Bavarian Weizenbier:
Light to medium body. Fruity/estery/phenolic. Low bitterness. Low hop flavor
and aroma OK. No diacetyl. Distinctive clove/banana/vanilla aroma/flavor
is evident.--Wyeast 3068, 3056, 3333, 3942.
Belgian Witbier:
Low to medium bitterness. Low to medium body. Dry, tart. Low to medium
esters. Some phenolic notes in aroma/flavor.--Wyeast 3944, 3787.
Light body. Dry. Sharp lactic sourness. Fruity and estery. Very low bitterness,
no hop character. No diacetyl.--Wyeast 3068 with sour mash or L. bulgancus.
3942, 3333.
Belgian Ales (dubbel, tripel abbey, grand cru):
Everything, all over the map, All marked by distinctive contributions from
the yeast.--Wyeast 1214, 3944, 1762, 1388.
Sour, horsey. Fruity/estery. Can be phenolic.--Wyeast 3278.

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